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International Journal of Trade & Commerce-IIARTC
Impact Factor (IF):5.135 (COSMOS), IF:7.249 (ISRA), IF:3.721 (ISI)
ISSN:2277-5811 (P), ISSN:2278-9065 (O)
Frequency: Half Yearly
Tourism a Business for Livelihood- Case Study of Nainital and Its Environs
Author:Amar Kumar Tiwari1*, Neha Sharma2
Tourism is a complex phenomenon that starts with the people?s displacement to various destinations and their stay in these destinations. Now a days, Tourism is a booming industry and has become a strong economic force on the world horizon .The developed as well as the developing nations want to encourage tourism in their respective areas. It has major economic implications- tremendous employment potential, foreign exchange earnings, more demand for agriculture, infrastructural development, opportunities for sale of local handicrafts and other items. Besides this, the land resources which cannot be used for any other commercial, agricultural or industrial use can prove to be boom for tourism related product. Tourism has been recognized as one of the fastest growing industry in worldwide. One of the characteristics of tourism is that it can be used as a tool for various dimensions of social, cultural and environment prospective for good. Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the case of foreign exchange also. It is also serving as the single largest means of export for over 40 countries. Even the United Nations acknowledged this fastest growing and yet smokeless industry as a holistic development apart from contributing in communal harmony, international understanding and world peace. The beauty of this industry is that it can be promoted anywhere and everywhere - even such areas where no other alternate way of economic gains is distinctly possible. Conceptually tourism arises from the movement of people to and their stay in different destination. Nainital is one of the districts that lies in Kumaon Region of Uttrakhand. It is blessed with scenic natural beauty and varied natural resources and is known as the 'Lake District' of India. It has varied topography hence promoting tourism will generate a business for host population by giving them employment, infrastructural development and of course the sale of local handicrafts. The paper intends to highlight on the immense possibilities of establishing a tourism industry in Nainital and its surroundings which is obviously a hot spot and also want to highlight those areas where still tourism is not revenue generated phenomenon. The author, realizing the above facts and abundant opportunities in this field, is submitting this research paper which would certainly be an asset for the planner and the practitioners.
Keywords:Keywords: Tourism , Nainital, Foreign Exchange, Employment.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 2 Issue:2)
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