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Title: Impact of E-Banking on Employees Perception in Selected Banks in Bangalore

Abstract: E-banking has emerged as one of the most common banking systems, with a significant increase in use over the previous several years. However, there is a scarcity of analytical research analysing the influence of ebanking on bank performance. Though e-banking is becoming more popular in Bangalore, the influence of e-banking on bank performance has yet to be determined. This paper fills that need. This research specifically studied the performance of Bangalore banks assessed in terms of performance among 80 employees of the selected banks of e-banking. The study's findings are more important for emerging nations like Bangalore because they will draw the attention of bank management and policymakers to adopt such measures to boost e-banking. This study also contributes to the literature by validating (or not) prior studies findings

By R. Ganapathi
In Volume: 11,Issue: 2
Title: Supply Chain Management of Tomato - A Case Study of Prayagraj District

Abstract: The study was conducted to find out the existing supply chain, their problem and cost of Tomato in Prayagraj District of Uttar Pradesh from Producer to consumer. It was found that in Prayagraj, there are mostly four types of supply chain of Tomato depending on the type of Producer. 1st (Producer -> Consumer), 2nd( Producer ->Retailer -> Consumer ), 3rd (Producer -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer) and 4th (Producer ->Commission agent -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer ). The producer share was highest in the 1st channel where he received 70.10% of the total produce, followed by channel 2nd with 30.65%, 3rd channel with 20.15%, 4th channel with 17.87% of share. Consequently, the consumer got maximum benefit in the 1st channel. It was also found that producer suffer with inadequate infrastructure which includes reachable and affordable transportation facility, Marketing and lack of advancement in processing technology of tomato resulting in huge loss of the produce.

By Kailash Chandra Yadav*, Nitesh Maurya, Noorul Islam,Pankaj Kumar Yadav
In Volume: 11,Issue: 2
Title: Effectiveness of Vocational Courses in Implementing NEP-2020

Abstract: The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP-2020) aims to transform the Indian education system by promoting a comprehensive and skill-based approach to learning. One of the key pillars of NEP-2020 is the integration of vocational courses within the mainstream education system to enhance employability and promote practical skills. This will bring in a very large number of schools, colleges and universities into the fold of potential Vocational Education and Training providers during the coming decade and make vocational education available to millions of students. The NEP 2020 is a comprehensive policy document that extensively discusses the overhauling of vocational education. This research paper presents a systematic review of studies that assess the effectiveness of vocational courses in implementing NEP-2020. By examining the available literature, this study aims to identify the strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of improvement in the implementation of vocational courses aligned with NEP-2020. The introduction section provides an overview of NEP-2020 and its key objectives, with a specific focus on the integration of vocational courses in the education system. It also outlines the significance and rationale for conducting a case study analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of vocational courses in implementing NEP-2020.

By Arvind Kumar Yadav
In Volume: 11,Issue: 2