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Title: Social Responsibility of a Business

Abstract: The phrase “social responsibility of a business”, implies that business should keep in view the social values and public interest while taking business decisions and actions in addition to economic values. The concept of social responsibility is ill-defined and ill-conceived. It is rather difficult task to implement this concept in the society where various groups viz. religions, trade unions, government etc. not fulfill their own responsibility properly.

By Beena Sharma
In Volume: 11,Issue: 2
Title: A Business Model Canvas for the Production of Shital Pati & Small Scale Jute Commodities with Special Reference to Regional Cooperation between Bangladesh & India (The North Eastern Region): Startup Phase

Abstract: The Shaital Pati and small scale Jute commodities have been playing a cabalistic role. The socio-economic contribution of Shital Pati and Jute based Products is Multi-dimensional. Shital Pati & Jute commodities can play a vital role in employment generation, income generation, export earnings, environmental sustainability, women's empowerment & tourism promotion. Above all Shital Pati and Jute commodities can play a crucial role in fostering regional cooperation between Bangladesh & India. The aim of the business model canvas is the branding of Shital Pati and small scale Jute products and enable manufacturer to visualize and analyze their strategy. As there is a gap currently prevailing in the market when it comes to Shital-Pati based and Jute based commodities the producer can follow the AIDA model (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) to promote products.

By Shamim Ahmad
In Volume: 11,Issue: 2
Title: Supply Chain Management of Tomato - A Case Study of Prayagraj District

Abstract: The study was conducted to find out the existing supply chain, their problem and cost of Tomato in Prayagraj District of Uttar Pradesh from Producer to consumer. It was found that in Prayagraj, there are mostly four types of supply chain of Tomato depending on the type of Producer. 1st (Producer -> Consumer), 2nd( Producer ->Retailer -> Consumer ), 3rd (Producer -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer) and 4th (Producer ->Commission agent -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer ). The producer share was highest in the 1st channel where he received 70.10% of the total produce, followed by channel 2nd with 30.65%, 3rd channel with 20.15%, 4th channel with 17.87% of share. Consequently, the consumer got maximum benefit in the 1st channel. It was also found that producer suffer with inadequate infrastructure which includes reachable and affordable transportation facility, Marketing and lack of advancement in processing technology of tomato resulting in huge loss of the produce.

By Kailash Chandra Yadav*, Nitesh Maurya, Noorul Islam,Pankaj Kumar Yadav
In Volume: 11,Issue: 2