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International Journal of Trade & Commerce-IIARTC
Impact Factor (IF):5.135 (COSMOS), IF:7.249 (ISRA), IF:3.721 (ISI)
ISSN:2277-5811 (P), ISSN:2278-9065 (O)
Frequency: Half Yearly
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The INDIAN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCE RESEARCH IN TRADE & COMMERCE (IIARTC), FACULTY OF COMMERCE & BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MEERUT COLLEGE, MEERUT, U.P. INDIA, is an autonomous institute of advance research on humanities and social science specially on social, economic, commercial, financial, political and business & trade issues relating at national and global level. IIARTC is non-profitable membership based organization. It is governed by an Executive Council. IIARTC reserves all rights to increase/decrease no. of membership and executive body. All powers are vested on General Secretary. The vision of IIARTC is to publish the original research in all branches of Commerce, Business Management and other cognate branches of sufficient relevance. The journal of IIARTC publishes three types of articles. i.e. Review/Strategy/Case Study (exclusively by invitation from the personalities of eminence), Research paper and Research Note. IIARTC aspires to attract leading thinkers on Social Science, Scholars, Academicians and Media Persons to deliberate on all facts of Economic, Social, Political, Financial, Commercial, Business & Trade Issues relating at national and International level. IIARTC organizes seminars and conferences, workshops and guest lectures and undertakes research projects on Economic, Social, Political, Financial, Commercial, Business & Trade Issues relating at national and International level. IIARTC is to act as National Forum for integrated development of Education in Trade, Commerce and Management in India. IIARTC is to function as a centre for exchange of ideas among scholars at different universities and institutions in to Social Science. IIARTC is to hold an annual congress and publish proceedings, journals, Monographs & Books, etc. IIARTC is also to collaborate with National and International Issues relating to social Science. Since June, 2010, its inception IIARTC has evolved its activities and research. Publication of the IIARTC Research Journal entitled “INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRADE & COMMERCE-IIARTC”- being a Refereed Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science commences in June, 2012.
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The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Supporting MSME Innovation and Growth in India
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A Critical Study of Performance of Prathama UP Gramin Bank
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