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International Journal of Trade & Commerce-IIARTC
Impact Factor (IF):5.135 (COSMOS), IF:7.249 (ISRA), IF:3.721 (ISI)
ISSN:2277-5811 (P), ISSN:2278-9065 (O)
Frequency: Half Yearly
Sustainable Development & Environment”
Author: T.S. Tomar
Sustainable development and environment play a crucial role in our social and economic life. However, sustainable development encourages individuals to leverage their unique strength, in turn allowing them to function out of performance orientation for all over the world. A more significant set of challenges emerge from the new issues that face the economic development with respect to environmental movement in the developed countries. This chapter emphasizes the necessity of sustainable development and protection of environment for the maintenance of peace in world. While discussing the content and ethical aspects of development and environment, the paper is also attempting to study how sustainable development affects the environment.
Keywords:Environmental Regulations, Sustainable Development, Green Growth, Market Environmentalism, Public Private Partnership, Eco Socialism
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 3 Issue:2)
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