An Evaluation of Participative Management in Public Sector Undertakings (A Case Study of NTPC Ltd., Dadri)Author:Arvind Kumar Yadava*, Monu Palb
Participative Management is an extension of this political process to work place relations. Keeping in view the democratic way of working, Participative Management has become a mandatory situation in developed and developing countries. The concept of Participative Management is based on Human Relations approach to Management which brought about a new set of values to labour and management. Traditionally the concept of Participative Management refers to participation of non-managerial employees in the decision-making process of the organization. The scheme of Participative Management was implemented in the first instance in manufacturing and mining industries whether in the public, private or co-operative sectors. These included factories where there was no manufacturing and only the unit was departmentalized. The scheme applied to those industries where 500 or more workers working on rolls. The concept of Participative Management is viewed by people differently. “There are people who feel that participative management is the tool for solving most industrial relations problems, and that it will even become the underline concept of the future society. So people use the term as the synonym for what they call Industrial Democracy”. It is now agreed that genuine Workers’ Participation in day to day working of the organization can lead to harmony and higher productivity besides being able to bring out hidden talents in employees and giving the employees an acceptable status. A combination of powerful social, cultural, political, economic and industrial pressures has created world-wide demand for greater participation and democracy. Participative Management is only one of the outcomes of this global trend. In this research paper, evaluated participative management in NTPC Ltd. Dadri has been study. This is a unique power plant of NTPC group which has both coal based thermal plant and gas based thermal plant. Also evaluated various committees form in NTPC, Dadri for effective participation management has also evaluated in this paper.
Keywords:Keywords: Participative Management, Public Sector Undertakings, NTPC Ltd., Dadri.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 7 Issue:1)
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