A Socio-Economic Study of Participation of Women in the progress of India: An Ethno-legal ConcernAuthor:Ashok Kumar Sharma*
India is a land of origin of many religions. Religion is the prime concern of the people of the land but in the name of religion no person shall be deprived of his/her dignified life, it is guaranteed by the Supreme Court of India on behalf of being guardian or protector of the Constitution. Right to profess of religion is also a fundamental right with certain restrictions because no fundamental right is absolute. But due to handful malpractices in the name of faith and religion, women are harassed and their basic rights are curtailed this shall rectify through legal mechanism. In the recent judgment the Supreme Court differentiates practice from religion which is protected under Article 25, a fundamental right. It is very significant now mere practice will not have sanctity of religion and thus can be dropped down in relatively easier manner. Crime against women shows how vulnerable they are in our society and effective measures are indispensible for the self realization or women empowerment in India. So far the participation of women is concerned there were just 24, or 4.8%, women among CEOs of companies that made up the 2018 Fortune 500 list. This was a 25% fall from 2017 when women were at the helm of 32, or 6.4%, companies in the Fortune 500 list.
Keywords:Key Words: Participation of Women, Religious Practice, Women Self Realization, Ethno legal, Crime against Women.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 9 Issue:2)
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