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International Journal of Trade & Commerce-IIARTC
Impact Factor (IF):5.135 (COSMOS), IF:7.249 (ISRA), IF:3.721 (ISI)
ISSN:2277-5811 (P), ISSN:2278-9065 (O)
Frequency: Half Yearly
Impact of Financial Inclusion (F.I.) on the Economic Growth of India
Author:Swati Agarwal
Abstract Financial inclusion (F.I.) is a process of facilitating society to provide financial products and services at an affordable price. The goal of this research paper is to measure the impact of various government's F.I. programs on economic growth. This data is collected from various sources like websites, newspapers, RBI, Finance Ministry & GOI publications, and e-journals. The study has been done from 2017-18 to 2020-21. Researchers have tried to analyze the data with the help of multiple regression and tried to establish the empirical correlation between bank inclusion programs and Indian economic growth.
Keywords:Digital Financial Inclusion, CDR, GDP, GOI, RBI, and Financial Schemes
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 11 Issue:2)
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