Universal Banking in India: A Comparative Study between ICICI Bank and SBIAuthor:Richa Aggarwala*, Shubhra Gargb
Banks are the most important part for the modern economy. It is essential for each and every person to meet their financial needs in person or for business. Nowadays, banks provides many banking and financial services of different kinds along with routine banking services of saving and withdrawal under same roof to make the life of the people simpler and easier like insurance, loan, investment, advisory etc. Universal banks can be defined as the banks cum financial institutions which provides vast variety of financial products or services under one shelter that are available in the market. In this paper, we have tried to study as whether people are aware regarding different services or products which their banks offer them and do they know that their own bank is a universal bank or not. Two universal banks ICICI and SBI have been taken.
Keywords:Key Words: Universal Bank, ICICI Bank, SBI, Financial Institution, Financial Products and Services.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 11 Issue:2)
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