Hospitality and Tourism Distribution System: A Case Study of Accor Hotel GroupAuthor:Rehana Parvina*, Kaniz Marium Akterb
Although hospitality and tourism marketing is relatively new, contributing to the global economy greatly. Hospitality and tourism distribution is not as same as other service marketing, due to the extreme visibility of its sales. Therefore, in addition to the brands, successful companies run a distribution system, which has to become more powerful and leverage the close fit among the direct reservation channels. Those companies, thus, can respond more effectively to the customers' increasing shift to online room booking practices, for instance. These efforts are to pursue in the years ahead with an ambitious capital expenditure program to retain control over the customer relationships. The hotel and tourism distribution system, finally, offers a variety of systems and methods to maximize company revenue. The main objective of this study is to identify the factors to be considered in designing the hospitality and tourism distribution system, which can be followed by others.
Keywords:Key Words: Hospitality and Tourism Distribution, Marketing, Customer Relationship, Economic Impact, Information and Knowledge.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 11 Issue:2)
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