Women Entrepreneurship- A Study about the Challenges and Some Government Schemes for Startup a BusinessAuthor:Renuka Etoria*
Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. These are that people who have the skills, knowledge, and potential for run a business. Now a day’s women entrepreneurship is one of the most important areas of discussion. Women entrepreneur is women who have planning, organizing, and start a business. Women entrepreneur is that a person who accepts the risk, fulfill her personal needs and become financially independent. The research paper focused on two factors first is to determine the study of challenges faces by women entrepreneurs for start- up a business and second different schemes which are provided by the government. This research largely concentrates on the issues and challenges that women business entrepreneurs experience, such as an insufficient funding, absence of family support, low level of education, security fears, marketing challenges, etc. this study is based on secondary data which are collected from different articles, journals and books. The study also makes an effort to present ideas and different approaches to address the issues facing female entrepreneurs.
Keywords:Key Words: Start -up, Women Entrepreneurs, Challenges, Schemes.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 12 Issue:2)
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