Prospects and Problems of Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach as a Tourist Spot of BangladeshAuthor:Md. Abdullah Al Jamil1*, Md. Zillur Rahman Siddique2
The study aims to Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach, the tourist capital of Bangladesh. The objective of this paper is identifying and analyzing the potentials of Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach as a tourist spot and weighing up the insights of tourists concerning this tourist spot. The study also attempted to highlight the existing services relating to accommodation facility, transport facility, refreshment and communal impression and to understand visitors’ expectations on Cox’s Bazar Sea beach as one of the most promising tourist spots of Bangladesh. By using Convenient Sampling Technique the data has been collected from randomly selected 500 respondents. In this case the collected data has been processed manually at first and then the statistical devices like average, percentage and ratios have been used. Bangladesh has huge potentials in case of tourism industry through Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach. But this nation needs to discover the proper scope through which it might be flourished to the tourists.
Keywords:Keywords: Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach, World Largest Sea Beach, Destination Marketing.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 2 Issue:2)
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