An Empirical Presentation of HRD Climate and Employee Development in Telecommunication Industry: A Case Study of Indian Private SectorAuthor:Nawab Ali Khana*, Sheema Tarabb
Constantly changing technology and intensive competition have led the community to signify the vitality of human resource. Today, the organizations are searching for the most competent human resource in order to recruit and retain them for the growth and development of their organization. Presently, the organizations and the top level management has understood the vigor of the human skills and accepted the fact that to survive, they have to retain the most fittest and finest talent in their midst. This concept emphasizes the need for every organization to continuously develop its employee's competencies in a planned way and it brings into sharp focus the importance of roles, which employees plays and occupies in their respective organizations. The authors have undertaken the present study to analyze the HRD Climate in the private sector telecommunication Industry of India and also to study the relationship of HRD Climate and Employee Development. A questionnaire survey has been conducted among 100 employees of Reliance Communications Ltd. from three different cities of Uttar-Pradesh. Statistical measures like mean, standard deviation and correlation have been employed to test the hypotheses of the present construct. The study reveals that there exists a positive relationship between the climate of the organization and the development of employees.
Keywords:Key Words: Organizational culture, Climate, Motivation, Pride.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 1 Issue:1)
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