Missile Program of IndiaAuthor: Mohd. Rizwan
India is a nation that has always been truly devoted for nuclear disarmament and peaceful settlement of disputes among the nations, to its international relations. In background India was the first country to raise the voice against the nuclear tests to save the environment and human health in April 1954, when the first Prime Minister Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru proposed a draft called ‘The standstill agreement on nuclear weapons’ in U.N. General Assembly. But very unfortunately all efforts made by India have never been taken seriously by the big players of international community, specially the defeat in 1962 against china and enforcement of NPT (Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty) along with all its discriminations in 1970, left India with no options but to go to keep its option open and to be prepare for nuclear armament to ensure its national security, even after the discriminatory provisions of CTBT in 1996. Here the real credit in this regard goes to Late Indira Gandhi the then prime minister and her core team including Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam to commence a comprehensive missile programme to fulfill our need of credible nuclear deterrence called ‘IGMDP’ in 1984. Later on that was completed by the Pokharan-II nuclear explosions carried out by the NDA govt. head Mr. Atal Behari Vagpayee in May 1998. This paper deals with Indian Missile Programme which is very vital Issue among researchers.
Keywords:Keywords: Defence Research and Development, Indian Space Research Organization, Surface to Surface Missile, Anti-tank Guided Missile, Cellular Error Probable.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 3 Issue:2)
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