Opposition Parties and Political Opposition in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic: A Necessity or DistractionAuthor:Alafuro Epelle*a, Lovinah Kakpilo Enyekitb
The Nigerian political system is one that has been characterized by a near absence of formidable opposition over the decades. This is contrary to what happens in developed countries of the West where opposition parties have been known to keep faith with the mandate of the people by serving as a necessary check on the activities of the ruling party. However, in recent time, there seems to be some rumble from the opposition parties in the country as they are beginning to coalesce into a formidable group for their collective interest. Incidentally, considering the peculiarity of our system where more often than not political affiliation, disposition or inclination is not premised on any ideological conviction but, more rightly, on the leeway it provides for primitive accumulation, it remains to be seen if this new found voice by the opposition will be beneficial to the generality of the citizens or a distraction of a sort. The objective of this paper, therefore, is to critically examine the role of the opposition parties and political opposition in the Nigerian state and make recommendations towards repositioning them for a more altruistic contribution in the current democratic dispensation.
Keywords:Key words: Political Parties, Opposition Parties, Nigerian State, Primitive Accumulation.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 4 Issue:1)
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