CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR (Analysis of Socio–Demographic Effect on Use of Source of Repair and Maintenance of Two Wheelers)Author:Dharmendra Kumar*
Two wheelers have been selected for the study because nowadays, it is being used as a necessity. Primary data from 359 consumers of Scooter and 220 consumers of Motorcycle from different district of Uttarakhand have been collected through pre-tested questionnaire. Proper consideration has been given to Quota Present study describes the concept of ‘consumer’ and ‘consumers’ post purchase Sampling to divide the sample into independent variables. Statistical technique like percentage method and chi square (?2) method used to analyse the data. The study provides information about different brands of durables purchased by sample consumers and has given specific emphasis to socio-demographic effect on consumers’ behaviour regarding “use of different source of repair” and “amount spent on maintenance of durables”. Study reveals that high majority of the sample have purchased LML brand of Scooter followed by BAJAJ but in case of Motorcycle, vast majority of consumers purchased the product of BAJAJ followed by HONDA and TVS. Regarding source of repair of durables, Private Service Centre was popular source of repair followed by Authorised Dealer. It has also been disclosed that Residential Status and Family Income of Consumers significantly affect their behaviour regarding selection of source of repair of both the durables but Consumer’s Education has no effect on selection of source of repair for Scooter. Regarding amount spent on maintenance of durables, it is found that high majority of consumers have spent “above Rs.900” half yearly for both the durables. It is also observed that Residential Status significantly affect consumer’s maintenance behaviour regarding Motorcycle. Education Level significantly affect maintenance behaviour for both the durables, whereas, consumer’s Family Income affect their maintenance behaviour only for Scooter not for Motorcycle.
Keywords:Keywords: Old Brands, Latest Brands, Socio Demographic, Maintenance, Repair, Service, Authorised, Durables.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 4 Issue:1)
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