Problems Faced by Handloom & Powerloom Industries in Uttar PradeshAuthor:Mamta Chaudhary*a, Anjali Sainib, Rakhi Solankic
The Indian textile industry has an awesome existence in the Indian economy. It is second largest employer after Agriculture sector in India. It is one of the largest in the world with a massive raw material and textiles manufacturing base. Currently, it contributes about 14 percent to industrial production, 4 percent to the GDP and 17 percent to the country's export earnings. Around 35 million people are directly employed in the textile manufacturing activities. Indirect employment including the manpower engaged in agricultural based raw-material production like cotton and related trade; and handling could be stated to be around another 60 million. The India Textile Industry has three main segments mill sector, handloom sector and decentralised powerloom sector. Handloom & powerloom are the traditional industry of India and it provides employment opportunities to millions of people in the rural and urban belts of our country. After industrialization, the handloom & powerloom industries have been decline. Most of the problems faced by handloom & powerloom industry are perpetual in nature and hence to sustain the cultural and economic importance of the industry. The present study is an attempt to understand the various problems of Handloom & powerloom industries in Uttar Pradesh. The problems are invention of new technology (powerloom), capitalist control, drop off in wages, increased price of yarn, and so on. The present study is descriptive in nature. The data have been collected through the in-depth interview, semi structured interview, case study and focused group discussion.
Keywords:Keywords: Handloom weaver, Powerloom, Gaddidar, Bani, Mahajans, etc.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 4 Issue:1)
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