Implications to Redevelopment of FDI InflowsAuthor:T.S. Tomar *
Although the economic development of its noted, repeatedly in discussions of the FDI field, predominated models of globalization generated by a variety of fields, focus on linear stages, phases, characteristics and assessment. Descriptive models of FDI help interested ones in economic development identify expertise but do not necessarily help us to understand the complexities of FDI in ever changing globalization settings. Expert inflows of FDI, a domain has also been found to lead to superior recall for information relevant to the domain but not for other types of information. Despite the liberalization over the last 25 years in the area of FDI that spans across disciplines, it is difficult to translate the research on FDI acquisition and novice comparisons into globalization practices. It is argued that examining the dynamic nature of FDI, it essential for advancing and understanding of FDI flows both in its initial development and over time. The value of the MFDIR over current approached to examination FDI is its ability to expand globalisation scholarship and improve the work of practitioners. By expanding current understandings of FDI and challenging existing stage models, we are able to offer an alternative that is useful to globalisation research. Toward this end, several implications are proposed for global researchers and practitioners based on the new conceptual model.
Keywords:Key words: Globalisation, economic expertise, territorial factors, meta-cognitive and FDI inflows.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 4 Issue:1)
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