Performance Evaluation of Small-Scale Industries in India after LiberalizationAuthor:aAman Roshan* & V.C. Sharmab
The Indian economy has seen a tremendous growth in the recent past years. The Small-Scale Industries occupy a place of strategic importance in Indian economy in view of its Considerable contribution to employment, production and exports. However, since 1991, Small-Scale Industries in India find themselves in an intensely competitive environment due to domestic economic liberalization and dilution of sector specific protective measures. The small and medium scale enterprises are known as the backbone of the industrial growth and development. The development of this sector has promoted production, generated employment and has helped in generating a major share of exports in the economy. This paper probes the Performance evaluation of small-scale industries in India after liberalization and analyses of its growth performance in terms of units, production, employment and exports. The study is based on secondary data. The tools used in this study are simple mean method, percentage method, time series method and ANOVA method. The finding of the study is that there is significant relationship between production, employment and units of SSI. The paper conclude that policy recommendations can ensure the sustenance and competitive growth of small-scale Industries in India.
Keywords:Key words: liberalization, Small-scale industries, employment, exports, production, growth performance.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 4 Issue:2)
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