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International Journal of Trade & Commerce-IIARTC
Impact Factor (IF):5.135 (COSMOS), IF:7.249 (ISRA), IF:3.721 (ISI)
ISSN:2277-5811 (P), ISSN:2278-9065 (O)
Frequency: Half Yearly
Assessment of Visual Fatigue Experienced By Female VDT Users
Author:Khushdeep Kaura*, Harpinder Kaurb, M. K Sidhuc
The last two decades have witnessed a rapidly changing trend towards the application of Video Display Terminal (VDT) technology for information management in the workplaces and homes. Most office workers use computers for at least some of the tasks that they perform, and many use VDTs for the majority of time that they spend at work. Survey on computer workers shows that vision discomfort is most frequent among computer users which may be due to frequent movement of eyes from monitor to the written material to be typed or vice versa. Other involved factors leading to visual fatigue and discomfort may be improper height of screen, poor lighting, and reflection due to screen position or glare. Therefore, a study was conducted on 120 female VDT users working in various banks of Ludhiana City to assess their visual fatigue by taking subjective responses. The results showed that poor vision, sensitivity of eyes and blurred vision were the main visual problems faced by respondents on the five point scale and got I, II and III ranks respectively. The main factors responsible for eye fatigue and strain were found as improper positioning of computer screen, inadequate lighting and glare. So, it was concluded that though the respondents faced many visual problems in relation to workstation design but they did not do anything to improve the design of the workstation which may be due to the lack of awareness at their part. Therefore, some suggestions were given to them in terms of adequate lighting, avoidance of glare and positioning of computer screen to reduce their visual fatigue.
Keywords:Key words: VDT, Visual fatigue, Glare from overhead light source, Blurred vision, Visual problems, Psychological stress.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 5 Issue:1)
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