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International Journal of Trade & Commerce-IIARTC
Impact Factor (IF):5.135 (COSMOS), IF:7.249 (ISRA), IF:3.721 (ISI)
ISSN:2277-5811 (P), ISSN:2278-9065 (O)
Frequency: Half Yearly
A New Look of Dharma & Karma: Social & Ethical Sense of Management for Management
Author:Sangya Shrivastavaa*
At red light; one can see the team of baggers who knocks each car’s windows for bagging for the sake of Lord Ram. This is very common which can be seen everywhere but don’t know why those words compelled us to think. Even they couldn’t get the alms but may be sake of Lord Ram’s name they get….when we looked them they were having cell phones also. We lost our patients and shouted “you are having money to recharge the cell and bagging the money?”Very smartly they relied “Madam we are living in IT’s era, it’s easy to connect with each other to know the good prospect in our business.” We normally shocked, but it’s true. We were feeling the fragrances of management vision. Then we wowed what a Hindu culture is which sets a mile stone for life skills thousands of years back. It is very known in Hindu culture that Lord Ram and Lord Krishna were an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Then question arise why Lord Vishnu required to be incarnated? After a long mental churn came to the result that Both Lords won the evils, so past era was also having same environment then on the basis of it only they adopted the techniques which are now a part of management syllabus, which is creating awareness about Social and Ethical Sense of Management for Management. How Social and Ethical Sense of Management is for Management, to know this we have divided the paper under these sections- Subject & Problem, Key Research Questions, Research Context, Observations, Practice and Tacit, Knowledge Conclusion and Implication for Society and Policy, References After analyzing the main objective with these sections came to the conclusion that although we introduce lots of new techniques for better life skills ,betterment for the society, but ultimately we have to follow the techniques(ethics & values) which Lord Ram, Lord Krishna used for peace & Ram- Rajya.
Keywords:Key words: Social and Ethical Sense of Management, implementing strategic management decisions, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Business Ethics, Quality of Work Life and Quality Circles, globalization, values.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 1 Issue:2)
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