Identifying Factors Enabling Willingness to Adopt Mobile LearningAuthor:S.K.S Yadava*, Abhinav Chaudharyb
In today’s global and shirking world mobile learning provides a new learning platform in which learners can access the content and just in time information as required irrespective of the time and place. Mobile learning is evolving at a very high rate all across the globe and one of the major reasons behind is that it uses mobile platform. The accessibility of mobile devices like smart phones, tablets, I-pads, personal digital assistants, E-readers etc. has increased drastically over the period of time. In this paper, the authors have analysed external factors like affordability, enjoyment, interaction and convenience to see their influence on willingness to adopt mobile learning.
Keywords:Keywords: E-commerce, Mobile Learning, Internet, Technology.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 6 Issue:1)
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