A Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour for Personal Care ProductsAuthor:Princi Guptaa*, Padma Misrab
The first and most objective of my study is to study consumers buying behavior regarding personal care products. The study of consumer behavior is the important factor for marketing of any goods and services. The consumer behavior suggests how individual, groups and organization select, buy, use and dispose off goods, services, ideas or experience to satisfy their needs and wants. It also clues for improving or introducing products or services, setting price, devising channels etc. Since liberalization 100% FDI is allowed in India. This has attracted foreign companies to penetrate the Indian market. The marketers always look for emergent trends that suggest new marketing opportunities and here in India a lot of opportunities are available. The personal care sector is one of the best and important sectors at the present time. There are a lot of future opportunities in this sector. The increasing trend of different cosmetic products, beauty care products, skin care products, hair care products etc fuels the market growing opportunities for cosmetic products. From the last couple of years, the demand of personal care products is not only increasing in only women but also it is increasing in men. e.g., Himani Fair and Handsome-“mardon wali fairness cream”. Like that there are many opportunities have been arising and changes are made in consumers’ perception.
Keywords:Keywords: FMCG, cosmetics, personal care, cosmetic, buying behaviour.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 6 Issue:1)
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