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International Journal of Trade & Commerce-IIARTC
Impact Factor (IF):5.135 (COSMOS), IF:7.249 (ISRA), IF:3.721 (ISI)
ISSN:2277-5811 (P), ISSN:2278-9065 (O)
Frequency: Half Yearly
Marketing of Paintings: A Case of Thangka Paintings
Author:Archana Rani
Thangka Paintings are a very much popular Tibetan paintings. A 'Thangka' is also known as 'Tanka' or 'Tangka'. In Tibet the word 'thang' means flat. Thangka Paintings are painted or embroidered with the Buddhist banner. The thangka painting's look is complicated and is a composite three-dimensional object. Thangka is a beautiful wall-hanging that is being further decorated with gold, silk and wood. Thangka paintings are visually very stimulating and usually used for various functions and which even depict the life of the Buddha. The most common shape in which a Thangka Paintings is done is in the upright rectangular form. These paintings as mentioned used to represent the life of Buddha and were used in temples, however, in the present scenario it is more appreciated as a form of pure art. Some artists even encouraged the incorporation of elements like train; plane etc to show the development of the traffic of India. The price of the Thangka depends on the skills of the artist and the perfection of the painting. As the Thangka was enjoying great popularity and received high demands, the prices of the paintings increased as a result of which fake or immature thangkas were introduced in the market known as commercial Thangkas. Although it wasn’t popular in the market then and remained confined in the monasteries, but later with the increased demand and appreciation, cheap or fake Thangkas flushed in the market as commercial Thangkas. One has to have good knowledge about this artwork before purchasing so that the person is not cheated by the frauds in the market who know various tacts to give the painting and old and original appearance. Having good knowledge about the Thangkas is the only remedy to appreciate the original artwork and its popularity in the Indian market.
Keywords:Keywords: Thangka Painting, Travelling monks, Abhidhorms teachings, Budhist scripture.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 6 Issue:1)
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