Job Satisfaction among Female Faculty Members in Higher Education: A Study of Dehradun RegionAuthor:Ishan Jaina*, Somya Sharmab, Shagun Bhardwajc
The higher education sector is crucial for a country or a region specified, since it plays a vital role in development of the human resource of any country. Higher education is not only important for the students but it is also very important for the faculties working there. Considering more specifically the female faculty member in higher education system and their job satisfaction does also play an important role. Job satisfaction in regards to one’s feeling or state of mind regarding nature of their work. Job can be influenced by variety of factors like quality of one’s relationship with supervisor, quality of physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their work, etc. . It ultimately decides the extent of employee motivation through the development of organization climate or environment. Job satisfaction has been a subject of hot chase by researchers. We studies in this paper that the job satisfaction level of female faculty members in higher education sector in Garhwal region of Uttrakhand with special reference to Dehradun district. The paper is based on primary as well as secondary data. Sample size taken here is 125 in which data was collected from faculties in higher education. Data was collected from 6 Universities of Dehradun district.
Keywords:Keywords: Job satisfaction, higher education sector, motivation, working environment, educational qualifications.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 6 Issue:1)
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