A Study on Paradigms of Quality of Work Life and Its DimensionsAuthor:Aman Roshana*, V.C. Sharmab
In today’s competitive global economy, human is among the most crucial resources. To retain human resource and to attain maximum productivity from them is a great challenge for the organizations. Since it is easy to obtain a person physical presence at work place but loyalty, commitment and job involvement comes through the quality of work life. It has become important to comprehensively construct an environment at work place which reflects the employee well being over there. Thus, providing satisfaction at mind and declining negative personal consequences of the employees through quality of work life is the necessity of these days. Quality of work life of employees has been widely studied and is it still has a greater focus on increasingly far more and more humanizing the job conditions as well as the total work environment from different angle. Thus, employee’s quality of work life seems to be highly important because satisfaction of these people is a back-bone for organizational survival and development. The main objective of this study is to understand the perspective of quality of work life and to identify various dimensions of quality of work life. For this purpose secondary data is being used. The findings of the study states that the quality of work life is not only measured by one or two factors but there are group of factors which affects the quality of work life. Furthermore, an effective implication of quality of work life in any organization is advantageous for both the employee and employer.
Keywords:Keywords: Quality of work life, job involvement, human resource, job satisfaction.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 6 Issue:1)
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