BOOK REVIEW: Socio-Economic Development of Bangladesh: Sustainability of BNF’s Partner Organizations and BeneficiariesAuthor:S.K.S. Yadav
The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh has established Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF) to support the NGOs, with a view to associate the Non-Governmental Organizations and assigned to take up socio- economic development activities and poverty alleviation. The country has also been facing massive challenges of feeding the rapidly increasing population or even to support their livelihood in a sustainable manner. Bangladesh NGO foundation already disbursed more than 100 Crore taka through partner organizations out of which 36% is male while 64% is female beneficiary. In the book there are seven chapters and also appendix is given. Quotation is used as follows: “Micro-savings, not the micro-credit, can develop the fate of the country’s under privileged people.”-Honorable PRIME Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 6 Issue:1)
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