Women Entrepreneurship Development in Tribal Areas in Odisha: An Effective Means of Women EmpowermentAuthor:Bhagabata Behera
Women constitute not only half of the world’s population but also sway the growth of the remaining half. They produce half of the world’s food supply. They account for 60% of the work force. The emergence of women entrepreneurs and their contribution to the national economy is quite visible in India. In India the self-employed women account for only 7.2% of the self-employment persons in the country. Majority of them are engaged in the recognised sector like agriculture, handcrafts, handlooms and cottage based industries. The socio-economic features of the tribal are significantly different from non-tribals. They are not very much entrepreneurial in true sense of the term but, there exists traditional entrepreneurship which is manifested through simple technology that fits with their external environment. It is fact that tribal’s are yet to be a part and parcel of the modern economic system because of the lack of education, inaccessible habitation and lack of awareness. Therefore, they operate themselves in a separate economic system which is fully different from the mainstream economy. Culturally and geographically these communities differ in language, occupation, child rearing etc. Odisha has one of the highest incidences of poverty in the country with 45% below the poverty line compared to all India average of 23%.Poverty and backwardness of women in the state are mammoth in proportions that need for redressed. The study has been undertaken in the tribal dominated Mayurbhanj district of Odisha. The tribal people in the study area were involved in different agriculture based entrepreneurial activities. It is revealed from the study that majority of the respondents belong to low innovativeness, low farm decision-making ability, medium level of knowledge, medium risk taking ability, medium level of self confidence, medium level of management orientation, high leadership ability, medium achievement motivation category.
Keywords:Keywords: Socio-economic development, women entrepreneurships, leaf plate, tribal economy.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 6 Issue:2)
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