Growth and Promotion of Information Technology in Stock Market in IndiaAuthor:Priya Vermaa*, P.K.Agarwalb and PankajYadavc
Information Technology is making profound inroads into the very fabric of our society and our economy as a nation in the global community. It is a decisive technology shaping the future. Information technology is a high tech industry, which requires a great deal of brainpower. It is highly versatile. After all, any economy consists of manufacturing and services. In every area of activity like manufacturing or services where are applies IT, one is bound to see the advantages in terms of productivity and savings in cost and energy. It has also helped to control inflation. The internet has really been the harbinger of e-commerce. In a present area, if there is any technology whose time has come, it is information technology. It is a decisive technology shaping our future. The success in today's competitive and complex environment depends on speed and information technology is designed for speed. Because of information technology, the world has become a global village. The Indian economy has got more closely linked with the global economy. Being a hi-tech industry, information technology requires a great deal of brain power. Human resources are the most vital resources in the technology. One of the most important economic developments in recent years has been the rapid increase in the IT sectors, computing and communication, share of investment activity and of the gross domestic product. The globalization of financial markets draws the e-business figure. Technological innovation has the power to change the dives of millions in one take. Modern communication, the deregulation and privatization of government owned business, competitive pressures to increase the speed of flow of trade, reduced the paperwork and the emergence of global financial system have all helped transform local drug operation into global enterprise. The study reveals that due to tremendous growth of information technology, trading in stock market has become easier and transparent.
Keywords:Keywords: Deregulation, E-business, Globalization, Information Technology (IT), Privatization.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 1 Issue:2)
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