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International Journal of Trade & Commerce-IIARTC
Impact Factor (IF):5.135 (COSMOS), IF:7.249 (ISRA), IF:3.721 (ISI)
ISSN:2277-5811 (P), ISSN:2278-9065 (O)
Frequency: Half Yearly
Mutual Fund Industry in India
Author:Sonika Choudhary
This research paper is an attempt to explain the growth pattern of mutual fund industry and its impact on the global economic scenario. The main importance has been given to the changes from 1963 till now and what are the new investment avenues has come out for individuals tax payers who are the main investors in the mutual fund market. This paper explains the last years pattern in return to the change in tax slab changes and investment portfolios. The paper also explains the investment pattern with regard to changes in investor’s attitude, their financial health, risk averseness appetite and trend of mutual fund market due to the investment patterns. This research paper explains Mutual funds, brief history of mutual funds in India, types of mutual funds and growth phases of mutual funds.
Keywords:Keywords: AMC, Open-ended, Close-ended, FMP, Equity Oriented Fund, Debt Fund, Balanced Fund.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 6 Issue:2)
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