Global Issues and Challenges in Management Education for Industry and AcademiaAuthor:Ishan Kaushika*, R. K. Singhalb
“By education I mean all round drawing out of the best in child and man- body, mind and spirit”. - Mahatma Gandhi. The term ‘education’ has a very wide connotation. Philosophers and thinkers from Yajnavalkya to Gandhiji and from Socrates to Dewey have given the meaning of education. The concept of education is like a diamond which appears different color when seen from a different angle. Some changes have take place come about suddenly and have a world wide impact. The changes that have influenced global economics and politics have also affected education. Because of the multidisciplinary nature of management education, it is often difficult to define. During the 1980s, Management educators used surveys to determine the needs for management education programs. Educators recommended that managerial endeavors focus not only on awareness, but also on attitudes, skill development and citizenship participation in managerial problem solving. A need was indicated by teachers for a new curriculum on all academic levels to address the goals on management education. Through this paper authors define the major issues and challenges that seem to be present in the way of management education.
Keywords:Keywords: Skill Development, Citizens Participation in Management, New Curriculum.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 7 Issue:1)
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