Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women through Energy AccessibilityAuthor:Sonia Vilasroi
Energy is an essential component of daily life. Absence of adequate energy can hugely and harmfully affect every society across the world. It is deeply influence people’s lives and is an engine for social development and economic growth. Over the centuries, energy has helped to transform societies and has underpinned human development. Energy contributes to fulfilling the most basic human needs, including nutrition, warmth, and light. It is essential to life in the 21st century. Women’s empowerment is closely linked to capable energy solutions. Women in developing countries can benefit significantly from improved access to energy through cleaner, more efficient stoves and fuels, as well as motorized equipment for food processing, water pumping, lighting, communications and business enterprises. A focus on promoting women’s economic empowerment through improved energy access makes good economic sense. Energy, by allowing progress to be made in terms of health, education and poverty, gives women more chance of having the opportunities traditionally reserved for men. In this way, it allows the living conditions of women to be improved. Empowering women and girls is necessary for energy development and energy security. Gender perspectives need to be incorporated into energy projects, policy and planning in order to ensure their effectiveness and sustainability. Energy policies need to be carefully designed in ways that benefit both women and men. This paper discussed about the social and economic empowerment of women through energy accessibility and the paper is totally based on secondary data which is drawn from various sources.
Keywords:Keywords: Women, Empowerment, Socio-economic Development, Health, Energy.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 7 Issue:2)
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