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International Journal of Trade & Commerce-IIARTC
Impact Factor (IF):5.135 (COSMOS), IF:7.249 (ISRA), IF:3.721 (ISI)
ISSN:2277-5811 (P), ISSN:2278-9065 (O)
Frequency: Half Yearly
Emerging Trends in Employment Generation in India: Opportunities & Challenges
Author:Prerna Sharmaa*, Neeraj Kumarb
Employment generation has its special significance for economic growth in each country. Continued rapid growth in the labor force of developing countries indicates that job creation policy has high rank in policy formulation. All nations’ government will have to understand that any evolutionary saga is not complete until the benefit of its growth does not reach to the poorest of the poor. UN Human Development Report, 2017 shows that despite the medium human development ranking of India in HDI (131 out of 188 countries), India’s Human Development Index growth rate has performed well compared to other countries. India’s HDI has increased approximately 46% over the last 25 years with the average growth of 1.52. Still one person out of the three is living at a lower level of human development. And in the changing environment of globalization and privatization, we need to make the radical changes in our system. In our country the revolutionary changes in education policies, employment policies and economic policy should be made to add the intensive relationship with other countries in the world scenario and by overall development of the country the international challenges could be faced strongly. This paper indicates that the role of government is the important key in expanding the employment opportunities by which creating the production framework, technical changes are brought according to the huge investment, allocation of resources and enhanced labor activities.
Keywords:Keywords: Employment Generation, Human Development Index (HDI), Developing Economy.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 8 Issue:1)
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