An Analytical Study of Socio-Economic Condition of Women Agricultural Labourers in Meerut DistrictAuthor:B.K. Agarwala*, Pratibha Chaudharyb
In Indian matrix, women agriculture labourers perform extensive farming jobs, still their ingress to resources is very low than their male counterparts. Women labours contribute about 70% of the total required labour in the agriculture field. The majority of the woman labour subsist their livelihood by working on agriculture field either as cultivators or as agriculture labour. Traditionally, agriculture is weather oriented less profitable sector, allowed to migrate large number of men from rural to urban areas to get higher paid jobs for their life span. During migration of men, female take responsibility of the family so they move towards agriculture labour sector while they get utmost less payment. Their participation and contribution in the farm sector are unaccounted and unrecognised in the mainstream of Indian’s economic. Thus, the present research paper is highlighting the socio-economic conditions of women agriculture labour. An attempt has been made to find out the problems faced by women agriculture labour at domestic and work place level in pathauli Panchayat, Sarurpur block, Meerut district and their perspective towards rural developmental programmes.
Keywords:Key words: Women Agriculture Labour, Socio-Economic Condition, Development Programmes, Decision-making, Discrimination.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 8 Issue:1)
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