A Survey on the Socio-economic Conditions of Labour in Brassware Industry of U.P. (With Special Reference to District Mirzapur)Author:Sudhansh Sharmaa, Deepali Waliab*
The paper concerned is descriptive in nature. The objective of this paper is to investigate the socio-economic conditions of labour in brassware industry of Uttar Pradesh with special reference to District Mirzapur. The study presented is based on random sampling and secondary data. The brassware industry of Mirzapur is labour-intensive using old and outdated techniques of production. It is famous for brass utensil manufacture along with brass chakka sheets. The labour engaged in this industry are very poor and owners of the industry humiliate them and give them less wages, long working hours, no employment guarantee , improper working and living conditions. The workers are unskilled, lack of education, health and sanitation facilities. The poor socio-economic condition of labour leads to low productivity which in turn is leading to less growth of brassware industry.
Keywords:Keywords: Socio-economic condition, brassware-industry, Mirzapur district, Darza casting.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 8 Issue:1)
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