Green Marketing Practices and Challenges to Indian CompaniesAuthor:Aakanksha Tyagi1*, S.K.S. Yadav2
In this emerging world, the concept of sustainable development is gaining more importance as achieving growth at the cost of overexploitation of natural resources is no more favored. The environmentalists are targeting the industrial sector as the primary contributor to depleting natural resources. Hence, the industrial sectors are stressed more to take utmost care in these areas and fulfill the market demands. To overcome these difficulties, a new concept, named green marketing, has emerged in the present globalized world where the production, consumption, and marketing of the products can be carried out effectively to ensure environmental safety. This paper highlights the concepts and needs of green marketing. It explores the practices and challenges businesses have with green marketing. This paper also describes why enterprises adopt this concept and concludes that green marketing will continuously grow in the present market.
Keywords:Key Words: Sustainability, Green Products, Environment, Green Initiatives.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 10 Issue:1)
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