Employees' Satisfaction Towards E-HRM In OrganizationsAuthor:Sonam Jain a*, K.C. Goelb
Electronic HRM is increasingly gaining importance within working organizations and many of its adherents assume and express its advantages. It also refers to the processing and transmission of digitized information used in HRM, including text, sound and visual images, from one computer to another. E-HRM is a way of implementing HR strategies, policies, and practices in organizations through a directed and conscious support of and with the full use of web-technology-based channels. The word 'implementing' in this context has a broad meaning, such as making something work, putting something into practice, or having something realized. E-HRM hence, is a concept - a way of 'doing' HRM. . Scientific support, however, is scarce and there is a lack of clarity regarding the contribution of e- HRM to HRM effectiveness. Efficiency, service delivery and standardisation goals are commonly realised. Some evidence of a transformational impact of e-HRM was found, as HR staff has more time and information to support the organisation in achieving its business strategy. Technology has recently developed in a way that enables e-HR to make a mark, especially with the introduction of corporate intranets and web-enabled HRIS. The nature of the development path, however, varies considerably from one organisation to another organisation.
Keywords:Keywords: Electronic HRM (E-HRM), Virtual HRM, Web-based HRM, Human resource information system.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 2 Issue:1)
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