An Analytical Study of Ideal Fixation of Prices of Agricultural Crops in India (With Special Reference to Uttar Pradesh)Author:Rajesh Singh Chauhana*, Mohd. Mohsin Qureshib
On the lines of an ideal National Agriculture Policy and National Highway, National Irrigation Highway can give rise to a new Green Revolution. The prosperity of the country depends on the prosperity of the farmers here. The worth of farmers largely depends on the rewards of their produce. Therefore, the ideal fixation on agricultural prices is of great importance. According to Sir Jogendra Singh, "A farmer should not be expected to increase production if the monetary value of the farmer's labour decreases due to increased production." There is a need for study and improvement in the perspective of various problems like growth, easy access to agricultural equipment, increase in production through diversification, hybridization of crops, sale of crops at reasonable prices, and a proper export system if more production occurs. Agriculture is the main occupation in underdeveloped countries, is the largest source of national income, the primary source of employment and livelihood, the basis of industrial development, commerce, and trade. Poor and developing nations cannot achieve a high economic growth rate with limited resources unless they develop a primary agricultural industry. The study results reveal that in the case of crops, the increase in MSP is significantly less than the inputs like fuel, labour, and fertilizer, which have increased drastically. It shows that these factors increase production costs, which puts pressure on the farmers.
Keywords:Key Words: National Irrigation Highway, New Green Revolution, Crop rotation, Ideal Agricultural Prices, Compensation.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 10 Issue:2)
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