Brand Consciousness on Personal Care Products among Adults with Special Reference to Chennai CityAuthor:B. Menakaa, R. Ganapathib
The consumer who is resourceful and clever makes a crucial decision of buying a particular brand of product among so many offered to him. Many factors weigh with this decision-making. Consumers differ widely in their tastes, preferences, their family background, economic and social status, income and age. They buy different brands of articles and food items for daily consumption and for future use. The present study is to find out the brand loyalty and purchasing decision for the personal care products and to measure the satisfaction level towards the brands and the factors there in. The Research Design which is used in this study is "descriptive research design". The information relating to profile of the company has been gathered from various journals, books and other secondary sources. The internet, the richest sources of information has contributed largely to the secondary data collection. Convenience sampling is used in this study. The study is conducted considering the prevailing condition, which are subjected to change in future. The above study revealed the awareness level about the personal care products among the respondents, factors influencing the purchasing decision, brand loyalty and the satisfaction.
Keywords:Keywords: Descriptive Research Design, Brand Consciousness, Brand Image, Brand Loyalty.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 2 Issue:1)
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