Book Review: Readings in Bangladesh Development: Volume IIAuthor:Maeha Emannum Tithi*
"Readings in Bangladesh Development" has been published by the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies to honor the father of the nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, on his birth centenary. The two-volume book comprises notable published articles over the last 50 years. Fifty years have been divided into two halves, and the second volume incorporates 23 articles produced between 2000-2020. The aim was to cover pertinent contemporary development issues and challenges experienced by the country over the years. In this regard, cutting-edge research in various sub-disciplines conducted by old and young scholars has been included. The articles cover governance, infrastructure, N.G.O.s and microcredit, human development, urbanization, poverty reduction, inequality, etc. This report is comprised of some of the major highlights of the book.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 10 Issue:2)
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