Book Review: Entrepreneurship Development and International Trade with BIMSTECAuthor:Faharia Parvez*
The "3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurship Development and International Trade with BIMSTEC" organized by the Entrepreneurial Economists Club, Dhaka School of Economics, was held on January, 2022, and is the basis for the book "Entrepreneurship Development and International Trade with BIMSTEC.” The especially appreciate Prof. Anisul M. Islam and Prof. (Dr.) Parul Khanna. The conference proceedings have been double-blind peer reviewed with 34 scientific pieces focusing on the issue. The "Entrepreneurial Economists Club" of the Dhaka School of Economics organized this international conference to give academics, student scholars, and practitioners from home and abroad, BIMSTEC, and other nations the chance to attend and present. Based on this the book was written and I am giving a short review of this book.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 11 Issue:2)
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