Supply Chain Performance Measurement using Benchmarking and Balance Score Card: A conceptual frameworkAuthor:Abhishek Jain a*, K.C. Goel b
A supply chain is the network of agencies to perform a set of operations from procuring raw material, transforming the raw material in to finished goods, storing them, distribution to the final customers and render the quality services through a team work of internal employees and external partners like suppliers, supplier’s suppliers and distribution channel members. The core supply chain we can describe as a relay game in which the participant or each players either the facility or an individual pass on the baton effectively from one to other until it reaches the final player-“The customer”. Supply chain has to be timely monitored for optimizing business processes through understanding better working processes and evaluating self performances, this can be done by benchmarking or using a Balance Score Card approach.
Keywords:Keywords: Supply chain, Benchmarking, Balance Score Cards.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 2 Issue:1)
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