Gender Bias in Old Age Care and Economical AspectsAuthor:Shalini Gupta*
Care is synonymous with family and there is a need to understand the impact of gender in the larger cultural context of industrialisation, modernisation and globalization. In the traditional patriarchal system, senior members were ensured obedience and loyalty through their control over family resources. But with time the status, the moral obligation, and the gender role of caring assigned to women is also changing. The elderly women in India are a little higher in number than their male counterparts. The widowed females are four times more than the widowed males. These elderly women especially widowed face problems such as loneliness, as these women are spending the latter part of their life without any kind of security measures. They are economically vulnerable and are often exploited in the form of service. This paper will highlight the problems faced by older women and the measures to ensure a secure and caring environment. An analysis of their economic status is done and suggestions are made to empower them.
Keywords:Keywords: Gender Bias, Old Age Care, Economical Aspects, Modernisation, Globalization.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 2 Issue:2)
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