Rural Marketing – Potentials and Strategies for Durables: A Study in Ghaziabad DistrictAuthor:Manmeet Kumar Siras*
The Indian rural market has a huge demand base and offers great opportunities to marketers. Two-thirds of Indian consumers live in rural areas and almost half of the national income is generated from there. From the point of view of rural marketing, Ghaziabad district is an ideal district because it is very much near to the capital of the country. In the present paper Ghaziabad District’s four segments have been selected, By the detailed analysis of the results of 40 villages from the sectors “Murad Nagar, Loni, Hapur and Dadri”, it can be observed that the results are almost same in the villages of these sectors. There certainly is a place for premium products, but consumers in rural market for those products are scattered and difficult to reach. Therefore, such products can be left to be bought from the nearest urban centre. The attraction of rural market is in their size as mass markets. Those who design products for such mass markets will prosper and grow rapidly.
Keywords:Key Words: Rural Marketing, Durables, Consumers’ attitude, Whole Sellers & Retailers, Buying Motives, Potentials, Strategies.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 1 Issue:1)
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