A Study on the Factors Affecting Employability among Students Completing their Higher EducationAuthor:*1Vasanthi Reena Williams, 2Mohammed Irfan, 3Mubin Taj
AzimPremji, the famed industrialist and founder of Wipro Ltd had once stated that ‘the challenge before an educational institution does not lie in its supply of talent but rather that of employability’. Business experts consider India as one of the most promising destinations for business and also a country having a young and enterprising workforce. On the one hand, the education commission, universities and the government are seriously and earnestly trying to ensure better education for students, with a right mixture of practical and theoretical aspects being included in the program of study. However, on the other hand, a structured questionnaire survey focusing on fresh graduates who have secured impressible scores and seeking jobs discloses that they do not find themselves employable due to lack of necessary practical skill set, required by corporate houses, worldwide. This leads to a dilemma and predicament as to what could be the reason for unemployability amongst the youth. This study which has been funded by the UGC, under Minor Project attempts to address this gap and find a solution to tackle this issue. However, this study is only a part of the main study and tries to address the opinion and views of students at the Higher Education level towards their curriculum.
Keywords:Key words: Higher Education, Employability, Intellectual capital.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 2 Issue:2)
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