Apparel Retailing in Mauritius: Framework and ReviewAuthor:Jacquelene Robecka*, Naraindra Kistamahb, Allison Pattisonc, Jessica Pattisond, Sabrina Ramsamy-Iranahe
Little is known about the apparel retail market potential of Mauritius, a small island country in Africa. Categorized as a lower level country with regards to retailing, Mauritius with its growing middle class, is positioned for retail expansion. This paper presents a conceptual framework classifying existing apparel retailing stores by strategic mix. Using a metatheory approach, propositions are presented in relation to opportunities and challenges for retail development. Review of current retailing confirms that Mauritius is opportune for international and national growth. The paper discusses the presence of international apparel firms, national sourcing, and apparel products reflecting the customs and culture of Mauritius.
Keywords:Keywords: Mauritius apparel retail, international retailing, retailing.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 3 Issue:1)
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