CSR for “Red Light Area Workers”: Psychiatry on Brothel Houses in the Perspective of BangladeshAuthor:Md. Shahriar Parvez*
The area under discussion “Corporate Social Responsibility” in its present form and content has gained popular attention only in recent years, its origin can be traced back to the evolution of the concept of a welfare state. This gave rise to the idea of a welfare state, which was further strengthened by the growth of democracy and of respect to human dignity during the last 150 years. From that view point our research is conducted on the very sensitive area of any society that means “BROTHEL HOUSE in Bangladesh” The changing image of business in the recent years has lent further support to the idea of social responsibility. The study uses primary (20 respondents from three categories of sex workers (SW) were selected randomly for interview) 51 were floating, 76 were brothel workers and the rest, 94, were hotel sex workers and published secondary data from various relevant sources financial reports, websites, journals, publications and the researcher have used experience regarding the country’s socio economic culture. Corporate Social Responsibility is vital part of every corporate. Historically, business organizations were created as economic entities designed to provide goods and services to societal members as well as BROTHEL members. The profit motive was established as the primary incentive for entrepreneurship. Before it was anything else, business organization was the basic economic unit in our society. As such, its principal role was to produce goods and services that consumers needed and wanted and to make an acceptable profit in the process, for this reason they should provide CSR towards Sex Worker.
Keywords:Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Sex Worker, Brothel House, Corporate Culture, Stakeholders.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 3 Issue:1)
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