An Evaluation of Workers’ Participation in Management of Private Sector Enterprises (A Case Study of Moser Baer India Ltd.)Author:Smita Singha*, D.R. Yadavb
In a democracy, participation of the people in the political process is an essential ingredient of the system. Similarly, Workers Participation in Management is an extension of this political process to work place relations. Keeping in view the democratic way of working, Worker Participation in Management has become a mandatory situation in developed and developing countries. The contents and structure of Workers Participation in Management is more important and is being debated in all industries to make it a ‘best fit’ as per their own working conditions. In other words, it can be said that it is a total involvement of people in the organisation to bring a democratic culture at the work place. Human resource development (HRD) is a subject of great relevance in a developing and most populous country like India. Of all the resources, the “Human Resource” is the most crucial and difficult to tackle and without these resources, the development of physical/financial/technical resources of the country is not possible. Thus, there is a need to mobilize the human resource- with the purpose to enable them to participate effectively in the task of nation- building. Mobilization would include the need to develop the human resource, skills, attitudes, aptitudes so that they can competently achieve the predetermined goals. HRD, thus constitutes a most complex and challenging problem. In an industrial society a state of harmony and goodwill between the management and its workers is usually an objective. This is not always possible where two groups exist, each with different ideologies, goals and interests may be in conflict. Conflict is, therefore, inevitable and could also prove healthy in the sense that it brings inherent problems to the fore. The cause of conflict, the mechanisms to resolve conflict, and the outcome of conflict, are all governed by each situation. In this research paper we studied the workers participation in management of Moser Baer India Limited.
Keywords:Keywords: Teamwork, Efficiency, Enthusiasm, Safety of human resource, Industrial democracy, Socio-cultural environment.
International Journal of Trade & Commerce (Vol: 3 Issue:1)
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